
Our special education teachers draw from a wide variety of curricula in order to find a match for each child’s learning style. We have used Signapore Math, Fundations, Fountas & Pinnell’s Leveled Literacy Intervention and Reading Recovery, Reading A-Z, Edmark, My Pals Are Here! Science (Signapore Approach), Nancy Larson Science, and more.

Related Services & Counseling

Our Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) are PROMPT trained. Our Occupational Therapists (OTs) are Handwriting Without Tears-trained.

Social-Emotional curriculum is the transdisciplinary domain of our related services staff. Our OTs, SLPs, and our clinical social worker are all certified in the Zones of Regulation and this program is implemented throughout the school building.

Social Skills classes are taught in classroom groups by our clinical social worker.